4 Steps/4 Skills™ - Competency

Competency Training Is Only a Few Clicks Away
While you do your best to find the best talent to add to your team, many employers struggle to find employees that are proactive and efficient. A lot of time we refer to these as skills that can’t be taught, but our latest Training and Competency course is designed to address the soft and hard skills employees may not have had the opportunity to learn or exercise in
previous roles.
This course is designed to showcase the value of professionalism, productivity and
anticipating needs. By empowering your employees to become great assets to the company it also shows the ability to grow and further their personal development and careers.
Good Training is Hard To Find
Wish you could delegate more? But fear no one will do the job as good as you?
Many small business owners and managers find themselves trapped in this cycle. You want to be able to pass off work, but if feels like it takes longer to explain it to someone that it does to do it yourselves. You fear it's not being done to the same standard.
It's easy to blame the employees, but what we should be reviewing is not their capabilities, but the lack of training and structure needed to groom high performing team members. Our new 4 STEPS/4 SKILLS™ training course is designed to help small and median businesses that lack HR or training resources create effective employee training. This courses aims to simplify on the job training and verifying competencies to get more value out of training across the organization.
This course was designed for leaders, trainers, and employees and is perfect for businesses that:
- Don't have training resources
- Don't know how to structure employee training
- Have no training or measurement tools
- Need to document procedures
- Need employee assessment tools
- Need to implement training
- Looking to improve existing processes

Get Started Today
4 STEPS/4 SKILLS™ Training/Competency - Leaders Version
COMING SOON! Our complete version to support leaders and trainers implement an effective competency program that supports the success and growth of your organization.
Check out our Blog for regular updates leading to the launch.Effective training is also essential in successful safety programs. Combine with our 4 STEPS/ 4 SKILLS™ Safety program to create a powerful combination
4 STEPS/4 SKILLS™ Safety Course